Building a truly sustainable supply chain

“At Tata Coffee we are dedicated to building a truly sustainable supply chain - from crop to cup, and meeting complex challenges that include climate change, community dynamics, and socioeconomic - political conditions.” – Chacko Thomas, CEO & MD, Tata Coffee Limited.
Coffee has the potential to thrive in healthy, biodiverse environments while also supporting the livelihoods of the farmers who grow it and the communities where they live. Our programs at origin work to push that potential. All of our initiatives are derived to deliver impact on Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.
At Tata Coffee strive for measurable environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability in everything we do. We value continuous improvement, pushed through supply chain that are built on communication and transparency.
We, not only work to reduce our carbon footprint, but also helping farmers identify and apply practices that will help them adapt to changing conditions while maintaining their livelihoods.
Each year, at Tata Volunteer Week, we give all of employees a chance to do hands-on work for the organizations we support.
We ensure the wellness of coffee farms and communities by Innovating in solutions to better farmers’ livelihoods and deploying health programs in the coffee landscapes through RIHP (Rural India Health Project) and Swastha (A rehabilitation center for differently- abled children from the region)
This commitment to growing coffee is part of a larger set of ambitions that the company has defined to deliver against every seed we grow an experience for the farmers, creating pleasure for consumers and benefits for wider society and the environment.
Acting responsibly and working collaboratively, we can make coffee a force for good in the world.