Nestled between thick jungles beset with rich flora and fauna, our lush estates harbour some of the finest pepper in the country. We cultivate our pepper by utilising the native shade trees as natural standards for the pepper vines with some growing to over 10 metres high. We are known as one of the largest corporate producers of both black and white pepper in India. Our portfolio includes some of the best varieties of TGSEB, TGEB and MG1 (11.75, 11.5 and 10) grades of black pepper and A1, A2 & A3 grades of white pepper.

safety of our workers
is of utmost priority to us
The pepper vines in our estates grow up to an astounding height of 10 metres. Hence, it is essential to make the wellbeing of our workers our utmost priority. For this, we follow internationally recognized safety practices to safeguard our workforce from any unfortunate incidents while working at heights. Our Wildlife Cell ensures a peaceful coexistence between our people and the wildlife entering our estates.