Green bean

We produce some of the best Arabicas and Robustas in the country, in Washed and Naturals offerings. Our coffees are shade grown in our own estates, among lush forests in a thriving ecosystem, teeming with biodiversity. We hand-pick the coffees and delicately process them to bring about the intrinsic romance in every cup. Every step of the cultivation, harvest and processing is handled with an utmost emphasis on sustainability.


Green bean

Washed Arabica Coffee Beans - Tata Coffee
Washed Arabica

Washed Arabicas

Focusing solely on the quality, our washed coffees not only reflect the science and art of cultivating and processing the perfect bean, but also highlight the distinctive intrinsic taste profile of the beans.

Washed Robusta
Washed Robusta

Washed Robustas

Our select high-quality cultivars offer you some of the best washed and flavourful Robustas from India.

Monsooned Green Beans - Tata Coffee


This unique specialty coffee involves exposing high quality natural coffees to the marine winds on the Malabar coast. The exclusive seasoning makes the beans swell in size, turn golden yellow and express mellow yet complex flavours of chocolate, caramel, nuts and malt intertwined with unique straw like flavours. The overall smooth, heavy and creamy mouthfeel with low acidity and mellow flavours are unique to this special preparation from India.

Flower Resized Quality Green Beans  - Tata Coffee
  • All 25 estates are Rainforest Alliance certified, adhering to stringent sustainable cultivation practices.
Our Green Beans Estates - Tata Coffee



Our 19 coffee estates are spread across 8000 hectares of lush, green forests situated among the misty hills and picturesque valleys of the biodiversity rich Western Ghats. Originating from the foothills of the Western Ghats, the mighty river Cauvery carves her way through and into our estates in Kodagu, flowing into the south-eastern lowlands. It is not surprising that our plantations are home to a host of endemic flora and fauna. All our coffee estates are Rainforest Alliance and SA 8000 certified and 12 of our arabica coffee estates are Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices certified. Our operations span the entire value chain, from growing coffee in our own estates spread across the States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, to processing them at our ISO certified dry milling and curing works located in Kodagu.

Our Green Beans Estates Small Image - Tata Coffee
Our Estates Map - Tata Coffee
Our irrigation facilities can contain over 3.34 million cubic metres of harvested rainwater, enough for 100% blossom and backing irrigation - Tata Coffee

Our irrigation facilities can contain over

3.58 million

cubic metres of harvested rainwater, enough for


blossom and backing irrigation

Water is an integral part of growing coffee right from irrigation to processing and packaging. Irrigation takes up about 90% of our water usage, which is why we have enhanced our irrigation practices based on scientific practices and optimized rainwater usage via water harvesting. To alleviate the impact of erratic rainfall, we have introduced sustainable irrigation practices. We have augmented our existing irrigation capacity to cover 100% blossom and backing water requirements of coffee, along with pepper watering. Proactive measures have been taken at various stages of the production process to optimise water usage. We are also constantly improving our water management practices to minimise usage.

Learn more about our sustainable
practices here >>