List of Shareholders
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2015-16
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2014 -15
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2013 -14
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2012-13 (Final Dividend)
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2012-13 (Interim Dividend)
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2011-12
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2010-11
List of Shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2010-11 (Interim Dividend)
List of Shareholder whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2009-10
List of shareholders whose shares are liable to transfer to IEPF FY 2008-09
Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to be transferred to IEPF
Unclaimed Dividends for FY 2019-20
Unclaimed Dividend for FY 2018-19
Dividend for Financial Year 2016-17
Dividend for Financial Year 2015-16
Dividend for Financial Year 2014-15
Dividend for Financial Year 2013-14
Dividend for Financial Year 2012-13
Financial year 2012-13 (Interim Dividend)
Dividend for Financial Year 2011-12
Dividend for Financial Year 2010-11
Redemption as on 29-12-12
Redemption as on 29-12-11
Interst on matured Debenture 30-12-2012
Interst on matured Debenture 30-12-2011
Dividend 29-07-2016
Dividend 06-08-2015
Dividend 06-08-2015
Dividend 22-07-2014
Dividend 03-07-2013
Dividend 28-09-2012
Dividend 28-07-2012
Dividend 24-01-2011
Dividend 06-08-2011
Dividend 24-07-2010
Interst on matured Debenture 30-12-2012
Interest on matured Debentures 30-12-2011
Interest on matured Debentures 30-12-2010
Matured Debentures 29-12-2012
Matured Debentures 29-11-2011
Matured Debentures 29-12-2010
Interest on matured Debentures -30-12-2012
Interest on matured Debentures 30-12-2011
Interest on matured Debentures -30-12-2010
Interest on matured Debentures - 29-12-2009
Dividend 22-07-2014
Dividend 03-07-2013
Dividend 28-09-2012
Dividend 28-07-2012
Dividend 06-08-2011
Dividend 24-01-2011
Dividend 24-07-2010
Dividend 27-07-2009
Dividend 20-08-2008
Interest Matured Debentures 30-12-2012
Interest Matured Debentures 30-12-2011
Interest Matured Debentures 30-12-2010
Interest Matured Debentures 29-12-2009
Interest Matured Debentures 29-12-2008
Matured Debentures 29-12-2012
Matured Debentures 29-12-2011
Matured Debentures 29-12-2010
Financial Year 2013-14
Financial Year 2012-13 (Matured Debentures)
Financial Year 2012-13 (Interim_Dividend)
Financial Year 2012-13 (Interest on Debentures)
Financial Year 2011-12
Financial Year 2011-12 (Matured Debentures)
Financial Year 2010-11 (Debenture Interest)
Financial year 2010-11 (Redemption of Debenture)
Financial year 2010-11 (Interim Dividend)
Financial year 2010-11
Financial Year 2009-10 (Interest on Debentures)
Financial Year 2009-10
Financial Year 2008-09 (Interest on Debenture)
Financial Year 2008-09
Financial Year 2007-08 (Interest on Debenture)
Financial Year 2007-08
Financial Year 2006-07
Financial Year 2005-06
In case of any feedback / query kindly contact
Mr. Anantha Murthy N
Head - Legal & Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Tata Coffee Limited
No. 57, Railway Parallel Road,
Kumara Park West
Bangalore - 560020
Phone No:
080 23560695 - 97/ 23561976-81